
They Spoke from God: A Survey of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

With simple language and a personal style, They Spoke from God weaves together Old Testament passages to show how they tell the story of God at work to redeem His people. Instead of following a book-by-book summary or a division by literary genre, Williams uses a theology of history as the unifying theme. Since it not only explains relevant Scriptures—but relates them to historical, theological,...

The Book of Exodus portrays Yahweh1 speaking to Moses at the burning bush. There, on the slopes of Mount Horeb (Sinai), he commissioned Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt (Exod. 3:4 through 4:17). After he led the people of Israel out of Egypt, they met with the LORD at Mount Horeb on their way to the Promised Land. There he told them that they would be his special people (Exod. 19:4–6). They were to be his agents to bring salvation to
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